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Family Constellation

Family Constellation is a therapeutic approach that aims to uncover and address hidden dynamics within a family system that may be causing emotional or psychological issues. It originated from the work of German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger and is based on the understanding that family relationships and ancestral experiences can have a profound impact on an individual’s well-being, both emotionally and psychologically. Discovering this hidden dynamic and solving the issue from the roots through counselling and other healing techniques form the main aim of this therapy.


Best for

Who is this treatment
best suited for?

Relationship Issues

Family Constellation helps uncover hidden family dynamics contributing to relationship problems. It promotes insights and improved communication for individuals and couples.

Family Constellation addresses personal or generational trauma’s impact on the family system. It fosters healing and emotional well-being by acknowledging and working through family trauma.

Family Constellation reveals origins of repetitive emotional or behavioural patterns. It empowers individuals to break the cycle and find healthier coping mechanisms.

Family Constellation tackles inherited problems like financial struggles or dysfunctional relationships. It reconfigures family dynamics and liberates individuals from the constraints of generational issues.

Family constellations are effective in resolving repetitive patterns, particularly in situations where the issue lacks a clear direction for resolution.

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What is Family Constellation therapy?

Family Constellation therapy is a systemic, experiential approach that explores the dynamics within a family system to uncover hidden issues and facilitate resolution. It was developed by Bert Hellinger.

This therapy involves setting up a “Constellation” where individuals represent family members or elements. Through this, the therapist helps reveal hidden dynamics and unresolved issues impacting the client’s life.

Family Constellation therapy can address a wide range of issues, including relationship challenges, unresolved family traumas, inherited patterns, and emotional blockages.

Yes, Family Constellation therapy can be beneficial for individuals with a variety of concerns, even if there are no apparent family issues. It can bring awareness to underlying patterns that may be influencing current challenges.

Yes, Family Constellation therapy can be beneficial for individuals with a variety of concerns, even if there are no apparent family issues. It can bring awareness to underlying patterns that may be influencing current challenges.

The duration of a session varies but typically lasts around 1-1.5 hours. The number of sessions needed depends on the complexity of the issues being addressed.

Yes, Family Constellation therapy is often conducted in group settings, where participants take on roles in each other’s constellations. This collective approach can provide valuable insights for all participants.

In a group setting, representatives are usually other participants, not necessarily professionals. The process relies on the group’s collective energy to bring insights and resolution.

Yes, virtual Family Constellation sessions are possible. While an in-person experience is often preferred, online sessions can still be effective in exploring family dynamics and addressing underlying issues.

Family Constellation therapy is generally suitable for adults, and sometimes adolescents, who are open to exploring family dynamics. It may not be suitable for individuals with certain severe mental health conditions.

Yes, Family Constellation therapy can be integrated with other therapeutic approaches. However, it’s advisable to discuss combining therapies with your practitioners to ensure a coordinated and effective treatment plan.

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